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Dai Nam Hotel

Dai Nam Hotel Gossip Discotheque

79, Tran Hung Dao St. Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City is the most dynamic hotspot.
On the first level through the drive entrance is the Gossip Discotheque. Its very hidden and you would never know it was there. Its not written or advertised anywhere targeted to tourist only locals and friends of locals know this great hotspot.

On the inside from 10pm til 3am you will find a thriving human meat business along with head banging music. All you have to do is go straight to the bar and wait within minutes you will be surrounded by women or men all for your choosing.

This place is fantastic, you can dance and drink the night away with the person of your dreams and at the end of the evening they’re no such thing as going back home alone.

Upstairs to prolong the night they have a karaoke bar and a massage room if the discotheque wasn’t good enough and its even better if you stay at the hotel very very convenient.

I give this one nine stars out of ten.


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